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Renewable Energy A First Course 2Nd Edition at Meripustak

Renewable Energy A First Course 2Nd Edition by EHRLICH, Taylor and Francis

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Edition2nd Edition
    Publish YearNovember 2017


    Taylor and Francis Renewable Energy A First Course 2Nd Edition by EHRLICH

    This revised edition is fully updated and continues to provide the best in-depth introduction to renewable energy science. It focuses mainly on renewable energy, but also addresses nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels and nuclear technology). The coverage extends from the basic physics to conservation, economic, and public policy issues, with strong emphasis on explaining how things work in practice. The authors avoid technical jargon and advanced math, but address fundamental analytical skills with wide application, including: Two brand new chapters giving an introduction to population dynamics and statistical analysis for energy studies Additional self-study problems and answers More worked examples Up-to-date coverage of areas such as hydraulic fracturing, integration of renewable energy to power grid, and cost.

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