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Seismic Resistant Design And Technology at Meripustak

Seismic Resistant Design And Technology by Ivanov, Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs)
    Publish YearJuly 2015


    Taylor & Francis Exclusive(Cbs) Seismic Resistant Design And Technology by Ivanov

    An earthquake is a powerful surface acoustic wave (SAW) generated by a seismic event, such as a volcano or motion of the Earth's layers, that propagates on the Earth's surface. This book explains the design of earthquake resistant structures using SAW techniques that offer a variety of experimental setups and theoretical models. Designs of protecting systems able to dissipate or deflect SSW energy built around buildings or towns located in earthquake regions set this book apart from other seismology publications.

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