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Short Account on Resveratrol at Meripustak

Short Account on Resveratrol by Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar, Astral International

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar
    PublisherAstral International
    Publish YearSeptember 2023


    Astral International Short Account on Resveratrol by Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar

    Prof. Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar had been in the profession of teaching and research of post-graduate students of doctoral fellows in Indian Universities for more than 34 years. He had also served in fruit development, extension education, farm management and research positions for 7 years. Singly or jointly with other, he has authored 14 books, 163 research papers and 53 non-research articles in horticulture, human nutrition, medicinal plants and plant physiology.

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