Cbs Publishers & Distributors Short Textbook Of Psychiatry 8Ed (Pb 2024) by M S Bhatia
Book Highlights★ This book is specifically written for easy grasping of psychiatry in simple point-wise and understandable language and is exclusively based on examination-oriented pattern.★ Important review questions and professional examination question papers have been added at the end of each chapter.★ Important points of each chapter are enlisted in boxes, either asked in viva voce examination or as MCQs.★ Detailed chapter on historical aspects (Indian/Western), symptomatology and examination have been included.★ An updated section on psychiatric treatments, including recent advances and list of psychotropic drugs (in alphabetical order according to trade name) included.★ Epidemiology of various psychiatric disorders, National Mental Health Programme, forensic psychiatry (latest acts) and culture bound syndromes in India added.★ Psychiatric glossary and list of psychological tests have been described in detail.★ Important appendices include management of overdose and toxicity of various psychotropic drugs and psychiatric quiz based on difficult MCQs.★ Popular book for paper-setting in undergraduate and postgraduate examinations.