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Simulation In Anesthesia With Dvd at Meripustak

Simulation In Anesthesia With Dvd by Christopher J Gallagher and S Barry Issenberg , ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Christopher J Gallagher and S Barry Issenberg

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Christopher J Gallagher and S Barry Issenberg
    Publish YearOctober 2006


    ELSEVIER Simulation In Anesthesia With Dvd by Christopher J Gallagher and S Barry Issenberg

    Following up his best-selling "Board Stiff TEE and Too" manuals for the oral boards in anaesthesiology, Dr. Gallagher has produced a step-by-step how-to guide on conducting an anaesthesia simulation. Topics include which equipment to use, as well as suggestions for simulation scenarios that will help train your staff with a theoretical basis for handling even the most unexpected complications. This simulation guide, with video clips, helps to close the gaps that may result when abnormal situations are not recognized quickly enough or the response to them is haphazard and slow. The result is a highly effective, enjoyable, and affordable tool on this increasingly important way to ensure resources are being managed effectively.

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