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Smart Clothes And Wearable Technology at Meripustak

Smart Clothes And Wearable Technology by Jane Mccann and David Bryson , ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Jane Mccann and David Bryson

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Jane Mccann and David Bryson
    Publish YearMarch 2009


    ELSEVIER Smart Clothes And Wearable Technology by Jane Mccann and David Bryson

    Smart clothes and wearable technology is a relatively novel and emerging area of interdisciplinary research within the fashion, textile, electronics and related industries. This book provides a comprehensive review of the end-user's requirements and the technologies and materials available for the design and production of smart clothing. Part one looks at the design of smart clothing and wearable technology including the emergence of wearable computing, end-user requirements, and the design process from fibre selection to product launch. Part two examines the general requirements for merging of a range of textile structures with technology and communications for wearable technologies. Part three reviews the types of production technologies available for the development of smart clothing, including garment construction and fabric joining, and the final part discusses the application of these new technologies in smart clothing products and their presentation to consumers.

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