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Solid-State Chemistry at Meripustak

Solid-State Chemistry by Hoffmann And Fr, De Gruyter

Books from same Author: Hoffmann And Fr

Books from same Publisher: De Gruyter

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Hoffmann And Fr
    PublisherDe Gruyter
    Publish YearAugust 2023


    De Gruyter Solid-State Chemistry by Hoffmann And Fr

    This book invites you on a tour through the most relevant topics of solid-state chemistry. It provides an up-to-date overview about fascinating structures of inorganic matter and new research developments. The reader will also gain crucial insights into many aspects of material science, from ceramics to superconductors. One chapter is specifically dedicated to the most rapidly evolving field of material science: metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The book contains a chapter which is often neglected in others due to its complexity, the intermetallic phases. A concise but very didactic introduction to crystallographic specifications ensures that the reader will gain a deeper understanding of the crystal structures presented in the book. The book places special emphasis on the graphical illustrations which were specifically designed to promote real insights into the structural features. Instead of having to decipher hard to distinguish graphics the reader has an eye-opening experience. A further added value is that many references to the original research publications are given which enables easy follow-up for more detailed study.

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