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Solving Childrens Soiling Problems A Handbook For Health Professionals at Meripustak

Solving Childrens Soiling Problems A Handbook For Health Professionals by Jackie Bracey , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Jackie Bracey
    Publish YearJuly 2002


    ELSEVIER Solving Childrens Soiling Problems A Handbook For Health Professionals by Jackie Bracey

    This excellent new title is set to become the first point of reference for all practitioners dealing with children's soiling problems. The author produced this book with the intention of helping the inexperienced practitioner to become more confident in dealing with these clients. The book is aimed at School nurses, health visitors, child branch nursing students, paediatricians and GP's and is designed to be a book can be read front to back, but can also be 'dipped into' when help on a particular aspect of management is required.Easy straight forward approach Written by a nurse for nurses To provide information to the inexperienced nurse, and to assist the more experienced nurse for reference

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