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Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions For Strings, Membranes, Beams, And Plates at Meripustak

Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions For Strings, Membranes, Beams, And Plates by Wang, Taylor and Francis

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis

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  • General Information  
    PublisherTaylor and Francis
    Publish YearAugust 2013


    Taylor and Francis Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions For Strings, Membranes, Beams, And Plates by Wang

    Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions for Strings, Membranes, Beams, and Plates offers an introduction to structural vibration and highlights the importance of the natural frequencies in design. It focuses on free vibrations for analysis and design of structures and machine and presents the exact vibration solutions for strings, membranes, beams, and plates. This book emphasizes the exact solutions for free transverse vibration of strings, membranes, beams, and plates. It explains the intrinsic, fundamental, and unexpected features of the solutions in terms of known functions as well as solutions determined from exact characteristic equations. Structural Vibration: Exact Solutions for Strings, Membranes, Beams, and Plates provides practicing engineers, academics, and researchers with a reference for data on a specific structural member as well as a benchmark standard for numerical or approximate analytical methods.

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