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Sustainable Nuclear Power at Meripustak

Sustainable Nuclear Power by Truman S Storvick and Galen J Suppes , ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Truman S Storvick and Galen J Suppes
    Publish YearDecember 2006


    ELSEVIER Sustainable Nuclear Power by Truman S Storvick and Galen J Suppes

    Sustainable Nuclear Power provides non-nuclear engineers, scientists and energy planners with the necessary information to understand and utilize the major advances in the field. The book demonstrates that nuclear fission technology has the abundance and attainability to provide centuries of safe power with minimal greenhouse gas generation. It also addresses the safety and disposal issues that have plagued the development of the nuclear power industry and scared planners and policy makers as well as the general public for more than two decades.

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