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Techniques of Robotic Urinary Tract Reconstruction A Complete Approach (Pb 2022) at Meripustak

Techniques of Robotic Urinary Tract Reconstruction A Complete Approach (Pb 2022) by Stifelman M D , Springer

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Books from same Publisher: Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Stifelman M D
    Publish YearNovember 2022


    Springer Techniques of Robotic Urinary Tract Reconstruction A Complete Approach (Pb 2022) by Stifelman M D

    This book provides a complete and thorough guide to the performance of robotic urinary tract reconstruction procedures, including the principals of successful reconstructive techniques in the kidney, ureter, bladder, prostate and urethra. Reviewing patient positioning, trocar placement, instrumentation, detailed steps of procedure, and available outcome data, it outlines both common and advanced techniques, such as revision of uretero-intestinal anastomoses, buccal mucosa graft for long segment ureteral strictures, management of complex fistulas and urethral stricture. Illuminating unusual anatomy, including horseshoe kidney, retrocaval ureter, ureteral duplication, ectopic/malrotated kidneys, and retroperitoneal fibrosis, this book also highlights potential complications, their avoidance and management.Written by experts in the field, Techniques of Robotic Urinary Tract Reconstruction: A Complete Approach guides clinical practitioners in the utilization of advanced novel technology to aid intraoperation and demonstrates the ways in which robotics enables the performance of reconstructive procedures in an area difficult to reach via open techniques.show more

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