ELSEVIER Test Yourself In Clinical Pharmacology For Nurses by J R Trounce and Dinah Gould
The onset of nurse prescribing and the fact that nurses are accountable for drug errors combine to explain the re-emergence of pharmacology as a key undergraduate nursing curriculum subject. This short revision book will help nursing students revise for exams (pre- and post-registration), and help qualified nurses brush up on their knowledge of pharmacology. It contains 247 MCQ-style questions, with answers, and short explanations where necessary. The questions are rooted in Trounce: Clinical Pharmacology for Nurses, but it is not necessary to have a copy of Trounce to use this book. Nevertheless it does form an excellent revision companion to the original Trounce textbook. Features: * A book of MCQs for nursing students and qualified nurses * Pharmacology is once again emerging as a key subject area in the nursing student curriculum * The book contains answers to the MCQs and short explanations where necessary * An excellent revision companion to Trounce: Clinical Pharmacology for Nurses * An excellent revision or brush up text for all nurses who need to revise or refresh their knowledge of pharmacology