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The Auditor’s Guide to Blockchain Technology 1st Edition 2022 Hardbound at Meripustak

The Auditor’s Guide to Blockchain Technology 1st Edition 2022 Hardbound by Aghili, Shaun, Taylor and Francis Ltd

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Books from same Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Aghili, Shaun
    PublisherTaylor and Francis Ltd
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearNovember 2022


    Taylor and Francis Ltd The Auditor’s Guide to Blockchain Technology 1st Edition 2022 Hardbound by Aghili, Shaun

    Unique selling point: * Provides IT managers and audit professionals with relevant knowledge directly applicable to various blockchain-related organizational projects. Core audience: * An educational and professional reference resource for information systems researchers, IT managers, and audit professionals. Place in the market: * Unlike most current blockchain titles on the market, The Auditor's Guide to Blockchain Technology also deals with security and assurance issues 1- Blockchain Technology: Creating Trust in a Trustless Environment. 2 - Blockchain Architecture, Components and Considerations. 3 - Blockchain Tokens and Cryptocurrencies. 4 - The Advent of the Triple Entry Accounting: Implications for Accountants and Auditors. 5 - Blockchain Use in The Financial Services Sectors. 6 - Blockchain and Supply Chain Management. 7 - Ethereum, Hyperledger and Corda: A Side-By-Side Comparison of Capabilities and Constraints for Developing Various Business Case Uses. 8 - Designing a Blockchain Application. 9 - Blockchain Application Development. 10 - Testing and Auditing Blockchain Applications. 11 - Blockchain System Implementation. 12 - Blockchain Risk, Governance Compliance, Assessment and Mitigation. 13 - Blockchain User, Network and System-Level Attacks and Mitigation. 14 - Smart Contract Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Auditing Considerations. 15 - Blockchain-as-a-Service.

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