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The Flesh And Bones Of Medical Pharmacology (Pb 2008) at Meripustak

The Flesh And Bones Of Medical Pharmacology (Pb 2008) by SPINA, ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: SPINA

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearFebruary 2008


    ELSEVIER The Flesh And Bones Of Medical Pharmacology (Pb 2008) by SPINA

    A concise, accessible account of pharmacology, covering all the key concepts you need with no gaps. It can be used either as an introduction to a topic, or as a revision aid. Big Picture Section - you can relate detail to the subject as a whole High Return Facts - fills large gaps in your knowledge. Can be used as a revision tool. Reinforces the major points Cartoon-strip illustrations - you can visualise difficult concepts in a step-by-step format - information is chunked into 'student-friendly' sizes Double-page overviews - read topic summaries without cross-referencing to other pages - they're all laid out in one spread!

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