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The Global Practice Of Forensic Science by Ubelaker D H , John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Ubelaker D H
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Publish YearJanuary 2015


    John Wiley The Global Practice Of Forensic Science by Ubelaker D H

    The Global Practice of Forensic Science presents histories,issues, patterns, and diversity in the applications ofinternational forensic science. Written by 64 experienced andinternationally recognized forensic scientists, the volumedocuments the practice of forensic science in 28 countries fromAfrica, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe. Eachcountry s chapter explores factors of political history,academic linkages, the influence of individual cases, facilitydevelopment, types of cases examined, integration within forensicscience, recruitment, training, funding, certification,accreditation, quality control, technology, disaster preparedness,legal issues, research and future directions. Aimed at allscholars interested in international forensic science, the volumeprovides detail on the diverse fields within forensic science andtheir applications around the world.

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