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The Vitamins Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health 6th Edition by Gerald Combs, CBS Publishers & Distributors

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Gerald Combs
    PublisherCBS Publishers & Distributors
    Edition6th Edition 2023
    Publish YearDecember 2022


    CBS Publishers & Distributors The Vitamins Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health 6th Edition by Gerald Combs

    The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health, Sixth Edition presents both overviews and in-depth discussions of the sources, chemistry, metabolism and functions of these essential nutrients in physiology and health.

    Key Features
    - Presents complete information about vitamins in a format useful as both a teaching text and desk reference
    - Includes coverage of vitamin-related topics not typically found in general nutrition texts (e.g., enteric microbial biosynthesis of vitamins, global prevalence of deficiencies, diagnosing ‘silent’ asymptomatic vitamin deficiencies, histories of vitamin discoveries)
    - Contains useful appendices of key reference information (e.g., vitamin requirements of humans and animals, vitamin contents of foods, sources of vitamin information)

    About The Author:-
    Grald Combs, Jr.
    Gerald F. Combs, Jr. is an internationally recognized leader in nutrition, particularly in the areas of micronutrient functions, diet and cancer prevention, and sustainable food systems. He has conducted research ranging from fundamental studies with cultured cells and animal models to human metabolic and clinical investigations, including studies in China, Bangladesh, Costa Rica and Malawi. He has lectured in some 30 countries and published more than 350 scientific papers and reviews, and 15 books, including six editions of The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health. He received his graduate training in nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University, where he later served on that faculty for 29 years before being named Director of the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks ND from 2020-2015. He presently is a Senior Scientist at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.

    James McClung
    James P. McClung completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of New Hampshire, and his doctoral degree at Cornell University. He completed a National Research Council post-doctoral fellowship prior to assuming a career in Nutrition Science with the Department of Defense. Dr. McClung’s research has focused on micronutrient nutrition at both the basic and applied levels and has led to the fielding of applied solutions for the optimization of human health and performance. He is an active member of a number of professional societies, including the American Society for Nutrition. He has authored or co-authored over 100 peer reviewed manuscripts, technical reports, and book chapters, and has served on the editorial boards of a number of leading international nutrition journals. Dr. McClung has co-authored the two most recent editions of The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health.

    Table of Contents:- 
    Part I. Perspectives on the vitamins in nutrition
    Chapter 1. What is a vitamin? Chapter 2. Discovery of the vitamins Chapter 3. General properties of vitamins Chapter 4. Vitamin deficiency

    Part II. The individual vitamins
    Chapter 5. Vitamin A Chapter 6. Vitamin D Chapter 7. Vitamin E Chapter 8. Vitamin K Chapter 9. Vitamin C Chapter 10. Thiamin Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 11. Riboflavin Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 12. Niacin Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 13. Vitamin B6 Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 14. Biotin Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 15. Pantothenic acid Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 16. Folate Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 17. Vitamin B12 Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 18. Quasi-vitamins Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary

    Part III. Using current knowledge of the vitamins
    Chapter 19. Sources of the vitamins Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 20. Assessing vitamin status Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 21. Vitamin needs Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary Chapter 22. Vitamin safety Anchoring concepts Learning objectives Vocabulary

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