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Thyroid Neoplasms Advances In Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology Vol. 4 at Meripustak

Thyroid Neoplasms Advances In Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology Vol. 4 by Haugen, ELSEVIER

Books from same Author: Haugen

Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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    Publish YearMay 2005


    ELSEVIER Thyroid Neoplasms Advances In Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology Vol. 4 by Haugen

    This is a unique book on thyroid neoplasms in that it covers many current topics in the area including tumor development, tumor markers and preclinical treatment for advanced cancer as well as practical approaches (radioiodine, ultrasound, thyroglobulin monitoring and PET scanning). This book will give the general reader and specialist a good foundation for what is currently going on in the area of thyroid neoplasms.

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