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Transesophageal Echocardiography In Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery And Catheter Intervention (Hb 2023) at Meripustak

Transesophageal Echocardiography In Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery And Catheter Intervention (Hb 2023) by Tsai S , Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Tsai S
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearFebruary 2024


    Springer Transesophageal Echocardiography In Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery And Catheter Intervention (Hb 2023) by Tsai S

    This book reviews the history and evolution of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) as applied in various pediatric congenital heart surgeries, catheter intervention procedures and hybrid surgeries. The development of the pediatric TEE is described, including safety and efficacy data in infants and neonates. Practical insights of the use of TEE in cardiac surgery and catheter intervention are highlighted through actual case presentations with images and illustrations. Topics covered include TEE monitoring from pre-procedural planning, real-time assist during the surgery, confirmation of the intended results, as well as identification of residual lesions that require further surgical correction. This book will be a valuable resource for practitioners working in the field of pediatric congenital heart diseases surgery and interventional procedures where TEE plays a vital role.

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