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Turbulent Multiphase Flows With Heat And Mass Transfer at Meripustak

Turbulent Multiphase Flows With Heat And Mass Transfer by Borghi, John Wiley (Wse)

Books from same Author: Borghi

Books from same Publisher: John Wiley (Wse)

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  • General Information  
    PublisherJohn Wiley (Wse)
    Publish YearNovember 2013


    John Wiley (Wse) Turbulent Multiphase Flows With Heat And Mass Transfer by Borghi

    Numerous industrial systems or natural environments involve multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer. The authors of this book present the physical modeling of these flows, in a unified way, which can include various physical aspects and several levels of complexity. Thermal engineering and nuclear reactors; the extraction and transport of petroleum products; diesel and rocket engines; chemical engineering reactors and fluidized beds; smoke or aerosol dispersion; landslides and avalanches &- the modeling of multiphase flows with heat and mass transfer for all these situations can be developed following a common methodology. This book is devoted to the description of the mathematical bases of how to incorporate adequate physical ingredients in agreement with known experimental facts and how to make the model evolve according to the required complexity.

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