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Understanding Mental Disorders Your Guide To Dsm 5 Tr (Pb 2024) at Meripustak

Understanding Mental Disorders Your Guide To Dsm 5 Tr (Pb 2024) by Apa, American Psychiatric Publishing Inc

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  • General Information  
    PublisherAmerican Psychiatric Publishing Inc
    Publish YearNovember 2023


    American Psychiatric Publishing Inc Understanding Mental Disorders Your Guide To Dsm 5 Tr (Pb 2024) by Apa

    Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to DSM-5-TR is a valuable guide for anyone who has been touched by mental illness. Most of us know someone who suffers from a mental illness. This book helps those who may be struggling with mental health problems, as well as those who love and care for them. Based on the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders―known as DSM-5-TR―Understanding Mental Disorders provides useful insight on what to expect from an illness and its treatment―and will help readers recognize symptoms, know when to seek help, and get the right care. Featured disorders include depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder, among others. The common language for diagnosing mental illness used in DSM-5-TR for mental health professionals has been adapted into clear, concise descriptions of disorders for nonexperts. In addition to specific symptoms for each disorder, readers will find: • Risk factors and warning signs • Related disorders • Ways to cope • Tips to promote mental health • Personal stories • Key points about the disorders and treatment options • A special chapter dedicated to treatment essentials and ways to get help • Helpful resources that include a list of medications and support groups

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