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Understanding Wind Power Technology Theory Deployment And Optimisation at Meripustak

Understanding Wind Power Technology Theory Deployment And Optimisation by Schaffarczyk, John Wiley

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  • General Information  
    PublisherJohn Wiley
    Publish YearMay 2014


    John Wiley Understanding Wind Power Technology Theory Deployment And Optimisation by Schaffarczyk

    Wind energy technology has progressed enormously over the lastdecade. In coming years it will continue to develop in terms ofpower ratings, performance and installed capacity of large windturbines worldwide, with exciting developments in offshoreinstallations. Designed to meet the training needs of wind engineers, thisintroductory text puts wind energy in context, from the naturalresource to the assessment of cost effectiveness and bridges thegap between theory and practice. The thorough coverage spans thescientific basics, practical implementations and the modern stateof technology used in onshore and offshore wind farms forelectricity generation. Written by experts with deep experience in research, teachingand industry, this text conveys the importance of wind energy inthe international energy–policy debate, and offers clear insightinto the subject for postgraduates and final year undergraduatestudents studying all aspects of wind engineering. UnderstandingWind Power Systems is also an authoritative resource forengineers designing and developing wind energy systems, energypolicy makers, environmentalists, and economists in the renewableenergy sector.

    Key Features:-

    • provides in–depth treatment of all systems associated with windenergy, including the aerodynamic and
    • explains the importance of wind resource assessment techniques,site evaluation and ecology with a fo
    • describes the integration of wind farms into the electric gridand includes a whole chapter dedicated
    • includes questions in each chapter for readers to test theirknowledge

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