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Vetrivel Clinical Examination in Orthopaedics by S Vetrivel Chezian, CBS Publishers & Distributors

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)S Vetrivel Chezian
    PublisherCBS Publishers & Distributors
    Edition1st Edition 2023
    Publish YearDecember 2022


    CBS Publishers & Distributors Vetrivel Clinical Examination in Orthopaedics by S Vetrivel Chezian

    Vetrivel Clinical Examination in Orthopaedics is aimed at undergraduate medical students who need simple and easy way of learning clinical orthopaedics. This book will serve as a useful text for the medical students to learn clinical examination in orthopaedics with clarity and in a better way. Skill assessment chapters laid down by the National Medical Commission, as required under the CBME Guidelines, have also been included. It will serve as a useful guide for the postgraduate students in orthopaedics to learn basics.

    About Editor
    S Vetrivel Chezian MBBS, DOrth, MS (Orthopaedics), FRCS, PhD is currently Director and Professor, Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He completed his MBBS and DOrtho from Stanley Medical College, Chennai, and MS (Orthopaedics) from Madras Medical College, Chennai. He was honoured with FRCS by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, United Kingdom. He was awarded PhD for his study on biomedical waste minimization in orthopaedics. He formulated the Vetrivel Trauma Score to predict the viability of the limb in compound grade Ill B and Ill C fractures. He was also awarded gold medal for his innovation in calcaneal fracture management by Indian Foot and Ankle Society. The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu bestowed upon him the Tamil Nadu Scientist Award and Best Doctor Award.

    Table of contents:- 
    Preface vii
    1. Common Terminologies in Orthopaedics 1
    2. Orthopaedic Radiology (Body Planes, Sinography, Arthrography) 7
    3. Examination of Shoulder Joint 9
    4. Examination of Elbow Joint 22
    5. Examination of Hand and Wrist 44
    6. Examination of Knee Joint 60
    7. Examination of Foot and Ankle 87
    8. Examination of Peripheral Nerves 107
    9. Chronic Osteomyelitis 169
    10. Malunion and Non-union 185
    11. Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) 206
    12. Examination of Gait 222
    13. Examination of Hip Joint 229
    14. Examination of Spine 249
    15. Bone Tumors 260
    16. Important Key Points 270
    Skill Assessment (as per CBME Guidelines)
    17. Participate as a Member in Team for Aspiration of Joint under
    Supervision. Enumerate the Indications for Arthrocentesis 273
    18. Participate as a Member in Team for Procedures like Drainage of
    Abscess, Sequestrectomy/Saucerisation and Arthrotomy 287
    19. Participate in a Team for Procedures in Patients and Demonstrating the Ability to Perform on Mannequins/Simulated
    Patients 297
    20. Participate as a Member in Team for Resuscitation of Polytrauma
    Victim 309
    21. Demonstrate the Ability to Counsel Patients Regarding Prognosis
    in Patients with Various Orthopaedic Illnesses 338
    22. Demonstrate the Ability to Counsel Patients to Obtain Consent for Various Orthopaedic Procedures like Limb Amputation, Permanent
    Fixations, etc. 341
    23. Demonstrate the Ability to Convince the Patient for Referral to
    a Higher Centre in Various Orthopedic Illnesses, based on the Detection
    of Warning Signals and need for Sophisticated Management 346
    Index 349

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