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Wheat Diseases And Their Management at Meripustak

Wheat Diseases And Their Management by Mehta, Springer

Books from same Author: Mehta

Books from same Publisher: Springer

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    Publish YearAugust 2014


    Springer Wheat Diseases And Their Management by Mehta

    Wheat Diseases and Their Management addresses biotic and abiotic constrains to wheat production. Besides detailed illustrations and descriptions of the most important diseases of wheat in the world, it offers an updated view on the reemergence of some old diseases and the occurrence of new races of the pathogen. It deals with the sustainability of wheat production through precision agriculture and focuses on the importance of conservation tillage. The book also deals with pillars of integrated disease management which would be eco-friendly and reduce severity of diseases and yield losses, with acquired Latin-American experiences of more than 40 years.

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