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Willis'S Elements Of Quantity Surveying 12Th Edition at Meripustak

Willis'S Elements Of Quantity Surveying 12Th Edition by Lee, John Wiley(Bp)

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  • General Information  
    PublisherJohn Wiley(Bp)
    Publish YearFebruary 2014


    John Wiley(Bp) Willis'S Elements Of Quantity Surveying 12Th Edition by Lee

    The measurement of building elements is a core subject forquantity surveying students. Responding to the recently publishedsecond volume of the New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) by the RoyalInstitution of Chartered Surveyors, the 12th edition of Willis'sElements of Quantity Surveying explains, from first principles andto NRM2 standards, the measurement process for all the key buildingelements. This edition begins with an overview of the need for measurementand the differing rules governing measurement at different stagesof the design or project cycle. As in previous editions the focusremains the detailed measurement of building elements, but the texthas been fully revised in line with the NRM2 rules. A range of newand revised examples illustrating the use of NRM2 rules are a keyfeature of the book, which concludes with guidance on how to usethe data collected during the measurement process to create thetender documents. In the 12th edition the hallmarks of previous editions clarity and practicality have been maintained whileensuring the book is fully up to date, providing the student ofquantity surveying with a first class introduction to themeasurement of building elements.

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