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Xml In Data Management at Meripustak

Xml In Data Management by M David Allen and Peter Aiken , ELSEVIER

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Books from same Publisher: ELSEVIER

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)M David Allen and Peter Aiken
    Publish YearJune 2004


    ELSEVIER Xml In Data Management by M David Allen and Peter Aiken

    XML in Data Management is for IT managers and technical staff involved in the creation, administration, or maintenance of a data management infrastructure that includes XML. For most IT staff, XML is either just a buzzword that is ignored or a silver bullet to be used in every nook and cranny of their organization. The truth is in between the two. This book provides the guidance necessary for data managers to make measured decisions about XML within their organizations. Readers will understand the uses of XML, its component architecture, its strategic implications, and how these apply to data management.

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