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Lead Exposure and Child Development An International Assessment 1st Editon 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Lead Exposure and Child Development An International Assessment 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by M. Smith, L. Grant, A.I. Sors, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)M. Smith, L. Grant, A.I. Sors
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearOctober 2011


    Springer Lead Exposure and Child Development An International Assessment 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by M. Smith, L. Grant, A.I. Sors

    This book arises out of a workshop on lead exposure and child development which was held at the University of Edinburgh on 8th-12th September 1986. It was organized jointly by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in association with the UK Department of the Environment and the Scottish Home and Health Department. It brought together most of the internationally recognized groups working on the effects of lead exposure on child development including child psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, stati­ sticians, and medical practitioners. One of the unique features of the meeting was that it included workers from initially separate fields of lead research, in particular those undertaking studies in infants and in older children, and those carrying out behavioural research in animals, as well as those undertaking biochemical studies on mechanisms of lead effect. The structure of this book reflects the main elements of the meeting. As such it includes three main sections. The first consists of two major state-of­ the-art reviews, and two invited introductory papers. The reviews were prepared for the organizers of the conference by two of the Editors. The objectives were to assess critically the state of current knowledge in this field and to provide a scientific basis both for policy decisions and for further research. The review prepared by Marjorie Smith for the Commission of the European Communities focusses on methodological and design issues, and summarizes our present scientific knowledge in this area. Section 1: State-of-the-Art Reviews.- 1.1 The effects of low-level lead exposure on children.- 1.2 Effects of low-level lead exposure on paediatric neurobehavioural development: current findings and future directions.- Section 2: Introductory Papers.- 2.1 Lead: ancient metal — modern menace?.- 2.2 Biological monitoring of lead exposure in children: overview of selected biokinetic and toxicological issues.- Section 3: Cross-Sectional Epidemiological Studies of Children.- 3.1 Lead exposure and children’s intellectual performance: the Institute of Child Health/Southampton study.- 3.2 Child—caregiver environmental factors related to lead exposure and IQ.- 3.3 Blood lead and other influences on mental abilities — results from the Edinburgh lead study.- 3.4 The Birmingham blood lead studies.- 3.5 Psychometric intelligence deficits in lead-exposed children.- 3.6 Evaluation of different biological indicators of lead exposure related to neuropsychological effects in children.- 3.7 Neuropsychological profile of children in relation to dentine lead level and socioeconomic group.- 3.8 A regression analysis study of the Brussels lead and IQ data.- 3.9 The Sydney study of health effects of lead in urban children.- 3.10 Follow-up studies in lead-exposed children.- 3.11 Automated assessment of attention, vigilance and learning in relation to children’s lead levels.- 3.12 Electrophysiological assessment of sensory and cognitive function in children exposed to lead: a review.- 3.13 Type II fallacies in the study of childhood exposure to lead at low dose: a critical and quantitative review.- Section 4: Pregnancy Outcome, Neonatal and Prospective Studies.- 4.1 Effects of prenatal lead exposure on infant size at birth.- 4.2 Neurobehavioural effects of foetal lead exposure: the first year of life.- 4.3 The Port Pirie cohort study — cumulative lead exposure and neurodevelopmental status at age 2 years: do HOME scores and maternal IQ reduce apparent effects of lead on Bayley mental scores?.- 4.4 Low-level lead exposure and early development in socioeconomically advantaged urban infants.- 4.5 Lead related birth defects: some methodological issues.- 4.6 A prospective study of the results of changes in environmental lead exposure in children in Glasgow.- 4.7 Environmental lead, reproduction and infant development.- 4.8 Effects of lead on neurobehavioural development in the first thirty days of life.- Section 5: Animal Studies and Mechanisms.- 5.1 The lessons of lead for behavioural toxicology.- 5.2 Neurobehavioural and electrophysiological effects of lead in rats and monkeys.- 5.3 Behavioural effects of low-level developmental exposure to lead in the monkey.- 5.4 The effects of chronic low-level lead exposure on the early structuring of the nervous system.- 5.5 Studies on lead and blood-brain barrier function in the developing rat.- Section 6: Extended Abstracts of Posters.- 6.1 Low-level lead exposure and intelligence in the early preschool years.- 6.2 Which measures of lead burden best predict a child’s two-year mental development?.- 6.3 Recent observations concerning the relationship of blood lead to erythrocytic protoporphyrin.- Section 7: Summary of Workshop Discussions, and Future Directions.- Section 7: Summary of Workshop Discussions, and Future Directions.- Alphabetical list of participants.

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