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Applied Plant Virology at Meripustak

Applied Plant Virology by Wilson C, Cabi Publishing

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Books from same Publisher: Cabi Publishing

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Wilson C
    PublisherCabi Publishing
    Publish YearAugust 2012


    Cabi Publishing Applied Plant Virology by Wilson C

    Written for advanced undergraduate students, this book is a practical, in-depth guide to plant virology. Beginning with an introduction to viruses and their classification, the text describes virus pathology, including how viruses enter and move through plant cells and induce disease. Subsequent chapters discuss how viruses spread in the field and how to measure this. Throughout, the book remains reader-friendly, using focus boxes for clear, easy to obtain information, enabling students to quickly access relevant information but supply sufficient detail for advanced studies. In addition to basic information on virus biology there is an additional focus on applied virology, ideal for students undertaking agricultural studies for whom study of disease and its control is essential.

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