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Comparative Neurology of the Telencephalon 1st Editon 2011 Softbound at Meripustak

Comparative Neurology of the Telencephalon 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by Sven O. Ebbesson, Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)Sven O. Ebbesson
    Edition1st Editon
    Publish YearOctober 2011


    Springer Comparative Neurology of the Telencephalon 1st Editon 2011 Softbound by Sven O. Ebbesson

    When a young graduate student sat before Percival Bailey in 1960 and spoke of his longstanding interest in zoology and his recent interest in the nervous system, he asked the then Director of the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute if there was support in the scientific establishment for research in evolutionary comparative neurology. Bailey patted his abdomen with both hands and thought for a moment. Finally he said: 'Young man, there is no place for people like you.' The graduate student was crestfallen. To a large extent what Bailey said is still true. The greater part of research in neurobiology is directed toward answering a single broad question. How do brains in general, and the human brain in particular, work? This is a legitimate and important question. It is not, however, the only question worth answering. This overweening emphasis on function, especially in regard to the human nervous is a result of the origins of neurology in the clinic. The professional school, system, site of most such research, has been remarkably well-insulated from many of the major concerns of biology. 1 On the Organization of the Telencephalon in Elasmobranchs.- I. Introduction.- II. Organization of Elasmobranchs.- III. Brain Weight-Body Weight Ratio.- IV. Telencephalic Organization in General.- V. Olfactory Input.- VI. Visual Input.- VII. Representation of Other Sensory Systems in the Telencephalon.- VIII. Telencephalic Efferent Pathways.- IX. Conclusion.- X. References.- 2 Telencephalic Function in Elasmobranchs: A Behavioral Perspective.- I. Use of Sharks in Comparative Neuropsychology.- A. Phylogenetic Advantages.- B. Neuroanatomical Features.- C. Behavioral Repertoire.- II. The Reign of Olfaction.- A. Origins of the “Smell Brain”.- B. Multimodal Representation.- III. Telencephalic Involvement in Visual Discrimination.- A. Experimental Evidence.- B. Nature of the Deficit.- C. Performance Characteristics of Normal Sharks.- IV. References.- 3 New Observations on the Organization and Evolution of the Telencephalon of Actinopterygian Fishes.- I. Introduction.- A. The Fishes.- B. The Telencephalon.- II. Species Studied.- III. Quantitative Considerations.- IV. Normal Morphology.- A. Olfactory Bulb.- B. Area Ventralis Telencephali (V) or Subpallium.- C. Area Dorsalis Telencephali (D) or Pallium.- D. Summary and Discussion.- V. Olfactory Bulb Projections.- A. Methods.- B. Results.- C. Discussion.- VI. Histochemistry.- A. Introduction.- B. Methods.- C. Results and Discussion.- VII. General Discussion.- A. Previous Interpretations of the Telencephalon.- B. A New Hypothesis.- C. Evolutionary Considerations.- VIII. References.- 4 The Telencephalon of Teleosts.- I. Introduction.- II. Terminology.- III. Gross Anatomy and Cytoarchitecture.- IV. Olfactory Tract Projections.- V. Nonolfactory Efferent and Afferent Projections.- VI. Behavior following Ablations.- VII. Regeneration.- VIII. Conclusion.- IX. References.- 5 Projections of the Teleostean Telencephalon.- I. Introduction.- II. Commissural Fibers.- III. Projection to Pretectum and Optic Tectum.- IV. Medial Forebrain Bundle.- V. Projection to Nucleus Rotundus or Prethalamicus.- VI. Strio-lobar Bundle.- VII. Lateral Forebrain Bundle.- VIII. Projection to the Central Gray of Brain Stem.- IX. Contralateral Descending Projection.- X. Final Considerations.- XI. References.- 6 The Fish Telencephalon and Its Relation to Learning.- I. Introduction.- A. Evolutionary Considerations.- B. Anatomy.- II. Ablation of the Telencephalon.- A. General Effects.- B. Habituation.- C. Classical Conditioning.- D. Avoidance Problems.- E. Approach Problems.- III. Electrical Recording from the Telencephalon.- A. Olfaction.- B. Ascending Influences.- IV. Electrical Stimulation of the Telencephalon.- A. Effects on General Behavior and on Feeding.- B. Reinforcement Effects.- C. Effects on Other Brain Areas.- D. Effects on Learning.- V. Theories of Telencephalic Function.- A. Introduction.- B. Arousal.- C. Attention and Consolidation.- D. Secondary Reinforcement Processing.- E. Conclusions and Prospects.- VI. References.- 7 Telencephalon and Behavior in Teleost Fish: A Neuroethological Approach.- I. Introduction.- A. Ethological Introduction.- B. Neuroanatomical Introduction.- II. Methods of Studying Telencephalic Functions.- A. Ablation and Specialized Lesions.- B. Stimulation and Recording.- C. Histological Control.- III. Behavioral Changes following Ablation and Specialized Lesions of the Telencephalon.- A. Introduction.- B. Nesting Behavior.- C. Sexual and Parental Behavior.- D. Aggressive Behavior.- IV. Behavioral Observations during Stimulation of and Recording from the Telencephalon.- A. Nesting Behavior.- B. Sexual and Parental Behavior.- C. Aggressive Behavior.- D. Arousal and Reward.- V. Regenerative Aspects.- VI. Concluding Remarks.- VII. References.- 8 Organization of the Amphibian Telencephalon.- I. Introduction.- A. The Amphibia.- B. The Amphibian Telencephalon—Primitive or Degenerate?.- II. Species

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