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Human Sexuality and its Problems 3e at Meripustak

Human Sexuality and its Problems 3e by John Bancroft, Elsevier Health Sciences

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)John Bancroft
    PublisherElsevier Health Sciences
    EditionEdition Statement 3rd edition
    Publish YearDecember 2008


    Elsevier Health Sciences Human Sexuality and its Problems 3e by John Bancroft

    Prepared by one of the worlds leading authorities Human Sexuality and its Problems remains the foremost comprehensive reference in the field. Now available in a larger format this classic volume continues to address the neurophysiological psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human sexuality and how they interact. Fully updated throughout the new edition places a greater emphasis on theory and its role in sex research and draws on the latest global research to review the clinical management of problematic sexuality providing clear practical guidelines for clinical intervention.Clearly written this highly accessible volume now includes a new chapter on the role of theory and separate chapters on sexual differentiation and gender identity development transgender and gender non-conformity and HIV AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Human Sexuality and its Problems fills a gap in the literature for academics interested in human sexuality from an interdisciplinary perspective as well as health professionals involved in the management of sexual problems.Long awaited new edition of the definitive reference text on human sexuality Addresses the neurophysiological psychological and socio-cultural aspects of human sexuality and how they interact Examines the normal sexual experience and covers the various ways in which sex can be problematic including dysfunctional out of control high risk and illegal sexual behaviour Reviews the clinical management of problematic sexuality and provides clear practical guidelines for clinical intervention Presents a broad cross-disciplinary perspective of the subject area making the book suitable for all professionals involved in the field Presents a more theoretical approach to the study of human sexuality reflecting recent changes in research Includes a section on brain imaging to demonstrate the latest research findings in sexual arousal and to compare and contrast individuals with normal and low levels of sexual desire Discusses the use of sex as a mood regulator and the importance of current research in this area Discusses the impact on the internet on the modern sexual world Explores the relevance of transgender and gender non-conformity Contains a chapter on HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections Chapter on therapy fully updated to reflect the movement towards integration of psychological and pharmacological approaches to management Explores the complex relationships between anger sexual arousal and sexual violenceshow more

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