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Models of Mental Disorders A New Comparative Psychiatry 1st Editon 2012 Softbound at Meripustak

Models of Mental Disorders A New Comparative Psychiatry 1st Editon 2012 Softbound by William T. McKinney Jr., Springer

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  • General Information  
    Author(s)William T. McKinney Jr.
    Edition1st Edition
    Publish YearMarch 2012


    Springer Models of Mental Disorders A New Comparative Psychiatry 1st Editon 2012 Softbound by William T. McKinney Jr.

    My ideas for this book have been evolving over the last several years as I have been working in the animal modeling area and have seen it change rather dramatically. There have been tremendous advances, both in methodology and in conceptualization, yet the literature is scattered in journals encompassing many disciplines. In particular, there have been only very limited attempts to write about the philosophical, conceptual, and controversial issues in this field; to pull together diverse findings; and to provide some general perspective on its future. As will probably be apparent, I am a clinical psychiatrist who also has a fundamental interest in animal behavior, especially primate social behavior. I entered the field from a clinical research standpoint to devel­ op some animal models of depression after being stimulated to do so by Dr. William Bunney, then at the National Institute of Mental Health and now at the University of California-Irvine. The field has grown rapidly since then and there is considerable research activity. Indeed, the re­ search activity has grown more rapidly than our conceptualization of what animal models are and are not. Animal preparations are now available for studying specific aspects of certain types of psychopathology. Thoughtful workers in the animal modeling field no longer talk about comprehensive models but rather about more limited experimental preparations in animals for studying certain specific aspects of human psychopathology. I. Fundamental Basis and Justification for a New Comparative Psychiatry.- 1. Historical Perspective.- 2. Philosophical Basis for the Development of Animal Models for Psychiatric Illnesses.- II. Four Illustrative Case Examples.- 3. Animal Models for Affective Disorders.- 4. Animal Models for Anxiety Disorders.- 5. Animal Models for Schizophrenic Disorders.- 6. Animal Models for Alcoholism.- III. Perspectives on the Animal Modeling Field.- 7. Future Tasks.- 8. Conclusions.

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